Kamis, 20 November 2008

All about Tiramisu

Tiramisu (Italian: Tiramisù / Veneto: Tiramesù, IPA: [tirame'su]) is one of the most popular Italian desserts. It is made of savoiardi dipped in coffee and mascarpone cream. For many years, different sources (from Vin Veneto, dated 1981, to the Italian Academy of Giuseppe Maffioli and several cuisine websites) gave evidence that tiramisu was born in Treviso at "Le Beccherie" restaurant in the hands of the confectioner Roberto Linguanotto, also known as Loli.
The name Tiramisu is Italian and means "pull-me-up" (Tirami su), a reference to the effects of the sugar and espresso, and can be translated figuratively as "pick-me-up".

There is some debate regarding tiramisu's origin, as there is no documented mention of the dessert before 1983.[1] In 1998, Fernando and Tina Raris similarly claimed that the dessert is a recent invention. They point out that while the recipes and histories of other layered desserts are very similar, the first documented mention of tiramisu in a published work appears in a Greek cookbook. Backing up this story, the authors recalled an article that tiramisu was created in 1971 in Treviso.[2][3]

Some claim[citation needed] that it was first created in Northern Italy during the First World War. Women made these desserts for their men to take with them as they were being sent off to war. They might have believed the high caffeine and energy content of these desserts would give their men more energy to fight and help bring them home safely.

A less glamorous theory explains that the dessert was a way of salvaging old cake and coffee that had gone cold by using the leftover coffee and perhaps some liqueur to moisten the dry cake. The dish was greatly improved by layering it with cream and mascarpone. (Wikipedia.org)

1 komentar:

Ibnu Akmal mengatakan...

hey heeeey!!! Welcome to the club dad, speak up what's on your mind bro... lewat tulisan-tulisan :) gak sabar nih melihat postingan per postingan loe di blog tiramisu loe ini hehehe, nice name! Jadi laper... cari tiramisu yuk?!